If you’ve never been tractor shopping before, you may be surprised to discover there are quite a few different models out on the market. While not the most popular choice among large-scale farmers or harvesters, compact tractors have an extremely dedicated fan base due to their unique abilities and uses. To learn more about compact tractors, and decide if this is the right model for you, be sure to read our informative article below!


As we've mentioned, compact tractors have quite a dedicated fanbase. While they’re trendy among landscapers and buyers looking to complete heavy-duty farm work, they’re also a big hit among ranchers or those specializing in animal management. This is largely due to the machine’s versatility, as it’s able to complete a wide variety of jobs, from hauling and digging to fertilizing and seeding. These machines are also some of the most maneuverable models on the market and are best suited for handling extremely rugged terrain or navigating around large and small obstacles. 


While there are many advantages to owning a compact tractor, one of the biggest draws to this model is its price. Because they’re smaller than the average tractor, compact models are often sold for far less. Despite their small size, these machines are equipped to handle just as much heavy-duty labor as a large-scale tractor model. However, with a compact tractor, you’ll have a much easier time affording maintenance, parts, and even fuel thanks to its smaller size. 

If a compact tractor sounds like the perfect piece of machinery for you, we want to encourage you to hurry over to either of our locations in Albuquerque or Belen, New Mexico, to grab your model! Here at Desert Greens Equipment, we offer an enormous selection of compact tractors and accessories for you to choose from, and proudly serve the communities of both Santa Fe and Rio Ranchero, New Mexico.